Its strict adherence to dated mechanics makes it too repetitive for its own good. Last Recode is an interesting slice of history in that it depicts a future where we’ve made significant advancements in virtual reality technology, but not in video game design. It’s a nice nod to series fans that teases the possibility that. The entire episode is only about two hours long, which feels just right in terms of length-maybe even a little long, considering how little it offers in terms of new gameplay-and concludes with a satisfying payoff that feels legitimately earned. It’s a story-driven affair that strips the game of everything aside from its core dungeon crawling component. In this brief epilogue, Haseo returns to The World on the eve of its servers going permanently offline to make one last attempt at reuniting with a lost friend. players will undoubtedly derive the most enjoyment from Last Recode‘s brand new fourth volume, Reconnection. Last Recode (PC) – gameplay image via Bandai Namco and CyberConnect2